‘Pill Pesenggiri’ in The Context of Lampung Society

By Theofilus Agus Rohadi, S.Th

A Focus Group Discussion became one activity carried out by Multiplication Program of Stube HEMAT in Lampung to discover local values amidst Lampung society, one of them is ‘Piil Pesenggiri’. The FGD was held in Pondok Diakonia of GKSBS Batanghari, Lampung (25/07/2020). Hopefully, through this discussion the participants are getting to know positive values of local life of Lampung society, and able to build mutual relationship with the indigenous people of Lampung. They will also have a correct understanding about the philosophy of ‘Piil Pesegngiri’ in the context of Lampung people, discover positive values of ‘Piil Pesenggiri’ in developing era that’s compatible with others.

Rev. Theofilus Agus Rohadi, S.Th, as the Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Lampung, delivered a brief introduction about the Multiplication program  of Stube HEMAT in Lampung. Meanwhile Grace Purwo Nugroho S.H, a lawyer and the director of Bimbingan Mandiri Indonesia foundation, was appointed as resource person. Linda Lestari, one foster student at Pondok Diakonia hosted the discussion and Beta, a Civil Engineering student from Bandar Lampung University took responsibility as the moderator.

In this discussion, Grace Purwo said that the context of Lampung people consists of coastal Lampung and inland Lampung. Among them ‘Piil Pesenggiri is known as norms and moral ethics of life for the people of Lampung, then it is held as the philosophy of life. They uphold values of life to be respected and appreciated by others. In order to achieve it, they have to do good and honorable things, to open themselves up to others, to live mingle with others, and to live in a cooperative work. However, in the process, this good philosophy of life has become corrupted by ethnic arrogance and the lack of understanding by some people who commit violences and any actions that are not in accordance with ‘Piil Pesenggiri, worse the people who is not originated from Lampung feel themselves as immigrants or guests even though they were born and live in Lampung.

Further, Grace Purwo also said that there should be two parties who initiate joint efforts to keep life in Lampung safe and peaceful, especially from the indigenous people of Lampung. They should understand ‘Piil Pesenggiri’ as their motto of living, and feel ashamed if they did not do good things in their life. Self-esteem is not determined from the worldly aspect, but from doing good things. While people that come from outside Lampung ethnic, for example Javanese, Sundanese, Padang, Ambonese and so on, should live by understanding that they are actually Lampung people, who also have rights to live and strive for respected ways of life, by doing good and right things in their daily life.

It was interesting when the students asked questions, such as: 1) in what ways, and in what fields the indigenous Lampung could be invited and could easily cooperate; 2) what the legal view about 'runaway marriage' in Lampung society is; 3) how much the influence of ‘Piil Pesenggiri’  is in Lampung society; and 4) why the conflicts that occurred in Lampung was often ignited by problems with Lampung ethnic?

By understanding the concept of ‘Piil Pesenggiri’, at the end of the discussion, the participants have correct understanding of Lampung ethnic, so they do not have negative and excessive stereotypes toward the native people of Lampung, even this concept can also be used by students and Christian youths as Lampung people. They were motivated to build communication and interaction with native people of Lampung in order to develop self-potency, and community of the Lampung province ***
