This arts and cultural performance is an activity arranged by students to know the culture and its values. It was held on Saturday, November 21, 2020 and expected to encourage students to love more their local culture. The performance presented a form of dance, poetry, songs, and drama. This activity was attended by 30 students who were actively involved in the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung and 113 church members and people around GKSBS Batanghari.
This event was opened by Rev. Theofilus Agus Rohadi, S.Th., by delivering a short reflection to motivate the students and the attendees to become a generation having concern about regional development by doing simple steps. The reflection itself was taken from Genesis 1: 1-2 which emphasized that God has provided the best things for humans, and human should manage them to maintain their lives. The cultural value of Lampung is a gift from God for students and the attendees, one value is self-respect for doing good things.
performance was facilitated by 2 students and 1 Lampung cultural practitioner
as the narrator, namely Abraham Maulana Sanjaya, S.E. The arts and cultural performances
1. The Prayer Dance. The dance performed by 5 students from Metro city symbolized giving a warm welcome to the guests with hospitality and tenderness as Lampung people who are described by the tenderness of the dancers. This dance considered others as kings that needs to be well welcomed. Betel and lime are precious gifts given by dancers to all guests to bond themselves in the hospitality and to feel the close friendship. It was shown by red color from the betel and white one from the lime which are chewed together.
2. The song of "Tanoh Lado". The narrator explained that the song sung by 3 students illustrated the songwriter's admiration for the Lampung nature’s beauty through its sea and mountains. This song invites Lampung people to take care of them so that the beauty of Lampung's nature is well-maintained. In the message, the narrator reminded the audience to feel ashamed if they cannot keep and care for them well, even destroy them. This is Piil Pasenggiri that should stay alive to maintain the beauty of Lampung.
3. Poetry of "Sang Bumi Ruah Jurai". This poem was read by the poetry winner of East Lampung regency. The narrator explained that this self-made poem is beautiful and it deserves appreciation. It told that the earth of Lampung on the island of Sumatra is a place for everyone and all who live on it. The spirit of living in harmony and mutual respect is strongly read by the poem reader. The moral message conveyed is that we live together on this earth of Lampung with others, so, we must respect one another.
4. Drama "Piil Pasenggiri", entitled ‘Be Ashamed to Fail’ The drama was performed by 15 students telling 2 groups of young people that compete to achieve success in school through competition. The first group prepared themselves by practicing hard and learning a lot together, while the second group chose to relax and to do bad way and cheating to achieve success. Finally, the competition was won by the first group. The moral message of this drama is the success will be achieved by those who carry out a persistent and earnest struggle even though it asks for sacrifice.
series of arts and cultural performances were closed by singing together “Bumi
Lampung”, a song that describes the beautiful Lampung. Lampung is famous for
its richness of peppers, which attracts many people to come to do agricultural
business. Lampung has potencies to attract many tourists and immigrants just
for tourism, even to settle there. Indeed, it is an impressive and educational
art and cultural performance. ***
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