On Sunday, January 31, 2021, a discussion on ‘Understanding and recognizing the potency of Lampung’ was held at Pondok Diakonia. This activity was attended by 35 students with resource person, Dharma Setyawan, a lecturer at IAIN (State Islamic Institute) Metro, who teaches economics and community empowerment.
In his presentation, he stated that Lampung is a province that has potencies to be developed from various aspects of life. Actually, whether an area is potential or not depends on how the people manage it well. For example, the Yosomulyo in Metro that he has developed together with students around Metro, Lampung. Yosomulyo is an urban area but there is no local market. However, in the hands of young people and the community, nobody thought that the area becomes a busy area with a circulation of hundreds of millions of rupiahs every month from only one RT (housing group consisting of around 30-50 houses).
Lampung is also an area that has great potencies, in terms of tourism, both from the hillside and the breadth of the coast in several areas. As an agricultural area, Lampung is a center for agricultural products that have good bargaining values. Land in Lampung can be managed as agricultural land as well as livestock and agriculture. There are also big industrial areas in Lampung such as the Panjang area and Panjang port. Even more, the diversity of religions, ethnicities, and cultures are added values as the asset of the province.
Therefore, the resource person said that the younger generation such as students, university students, and young people of Lampung was awarded an area that is very rich with all its potencies. This is good news for creative and innovative young people so that they can develop the region without having to leave Lampung for their future. Lampung is enough for them to live. Lampung's potencies need to be developed professionally so it needs to build partnerships with all stakeholders so that it can optimize the potencies to be managed. Many areas in Lampung that can be managed independently by the village community and young people are in the form of tourism church, agriculture, and so on.
Once again, whether an area is potential or not depends on how much the community and the younger generation are willing to move and manage the potency that owns by themselves and others.
The students and young people participating this discussion got better understand about the potency of Lampung and they were expected to be more motivated to manage it. Likewise, when they learned about the vulnerability in Lampung, students and the younger generation were encouraged to build better relationships through religion, culture, education, economy, and so on. ***
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