Identifying Potency and Vulnerability in Lampung - part 1

As a province in the southern part of Sumatera island, Lampung has a lot of potencies to be developed. However, Lampung also has multiple conflicts. The potencies and vulnerabilities in Lampung were discussed in a meeting held by the Multiplication program of Stube-HEMAT in Lampung (Friday, 29/01/2021) by involving a competent resource person. This discussion aimed to provide the information needed by students and young people about the potency of Lampung province, which they are expected to contribute in managing the potency for the common welfare. The discussion also provided information about the sources of conflict that occurred in Lampung province so that students and young people could manage and minimize conflicts that might occur.

Took place at Pondok Diakonia, the discussion was attended by 35 students, university students, and youth. Rahayu Sekarningtyas, a student majoring International Relations at University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung opened the discussion and the source person was R. Rahmanu Hendarta, S.H, a legal practitioner and advocate from Metro City. In his presentation, he revealed the dynamic reality of the plurality among Lampung people which were marked by violent conflicts, both vertical and horizontal social conflicts. Almost all regencies and municipalities in Lampung Province have typical conflicts potency referring to conditions in each region. In some cases, it was analyzed that not all social conflicts  occured are independent, caused by only one factor. It meant that conflicts because of one factor may connect with other factors. It can be said that the sharper the differences between social groups are, the more vulnerable the conflict will be.

The root of conflict is commonly from the existence of certain motives including social motives, economic motives, or political motives. Continuous conflicts or accumulative conflicts that occur in horizontal or vertical conflicts have several similar characteristics and they can be divided into three main categories, namely: 1) conflicts occur in the same place with the same actors; 2) conflict occurs in different places with the same actor; 3) conflicts occur in different places with different actors.

The United Nation and Politic (Kesbangpol) Agency of Lampung province has mapped conflict-prone areas in 14 regencies and municipalities which can be grouped into:

  1. Conflicts between religions/ethnicities have occurred in 12 cases, namely: Bandar Lampung (2), East Lampung (1), Tanggamus (3), Pringsewu (5), and Central Lampung (1).

  2. Political Conflicts reached 4 cases that occurred in several areas, namely: Bandar Lampung (1), Tulang Bawang (1), North Lampung (1), and Tanggamus (1).
  3. Territorial / Regional Boundary Conflicts occurred in 20 cases in all regions.
  4. There were 4 cases of Industrial Conflicts, in Tulang Bawang (1), Mesuji (2), and East Lampung (1).
  5. Agrarian / Land Conflicts reached 39 cases, spread across several regencies/municipalities.
  6. Social / Inter-group Conflict reached 44 cases, spread across several regencies/municipalities

From the data above, the largest number of cases were social/inter-group conflicts which reached 44 cases, and these cases were commonly triggered by agrarian conflicts, so the biggest case domain in Lampung Province was agrarian problems. Until now, there are still many agrarian cases that are still in the court process. ***
